Cadastral Indonesia

A. Country Context Geographical Context Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world, consists of 17,508 small and big islands, with a total area of 1,919,440 sq km, consists of water...

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Cadastral Iran

A. Country Context Geographical Context Iran is the large country in Middle East, with a total area of 1,648,195 sq km, lying south of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and nourth of Qatar, U.A.E,...

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Cadastral Japan

A. Country Context Geographical Context Japan is an island nation stretching archwise in northeastern Asia between the North Pacific and the Sea of Japan. The land consists of 4 main islands and ov...

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Cadastral Jordan

A. Country Context Geographical Context Jordan‘s total area is around 89,000km2 and with a population of about 5 millions inhabitants. The Capital city of Jordan is Amman with pop...

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Cadastral Korea Selatan

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Cadastral Latvia

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Cadastral Macao

A. Country Context Geographical Context The Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR), being part of the China Territory, is located at the Pearl River Delta of the southeastern coast of Mainland...

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Cadastral Turkey

A. Country Context Geographical Context The Republic of Turkey is located at a point where the three continents making up the old world. Geographically, the country is located in the northern half...

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Cadastral Uzbekistan

A. Country Context Geographical Context Uzbekistan, one of the Central Asian States lies in the heart of Asia, in the territory known since ancient times as Bactria, Maverannahr, and later on as Tu...

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