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Turkey is the largest hazelnut producer and exporter in the world with approximately 79% of
worldwide production. Turkey also takes the fifth place in production of tea after China,
Kenya, India and Sri Lanka. Most of Turkish hazelnut and tea production comes from the
eastern Black Sea region of Turkey, which has a mild climate with high precipitation and
fertile soil. In this study, hazelnut and tea plantation areas, which were determined previously
with multispectral image classification of WorldView-2 image data, are queried and analyzed
with ArcGIS 10.2 software to create a Geographic Information System (GIS). The tea and
hazelnut cultivation areas are categorized according to the slope information of each cadastral
parcel and quantitative results are obtained as the result of queries and spatial analysis are
displayed as thematic maps. In addition, land use maps are created and intersected with up-todate
cadastral maps to determine the total area of each agricultural product in each cadastral
block. It is observed that a specific agricultural product such as tea, may not cover the entire
cadastral parcel, but it is scattered as small pieced polygons having different IDs over the
cadastral parcel. An ArcGIS-ready Python script is written and executed to collect and
retrieve the total area per agricultural product. Afterwards, the resultant maps are created and
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- 9 years ago
- 6 years ago