On the Way to Vision of Cadastre 2034: Cadastre 2014 Performance of Turkey

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eKadaster dan e Tanah Selesai Kes Tanah Tertunggak

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Luas Tanah Lebih

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Tanah Kurang 0.4 Hektar Blh Pecah Geran

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Era Baru Msia-Brunei

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Quantifying the Effects of Land Policy on the National Economy of Greece

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Infrastructure for Real Property Information – One Stop Shopping

Jørgen SKRUBBELTRANG, DenmarkSUMMARY The Danish government wants both to ease the process of buying and selling properties and to reduce associated costs. The DIADEM project was one of...

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Evaluation of Turkish Land Readjustment

Ahmet YILMAZ and Hülya DEMİR, TURKEYSUMMARY Land readjustment (LR) is an important technique used in a variety of countries to realize the development plans by converting ru...

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Managing Unintended Consequences of Democratizing Land Rights

Robin MCLAREN, UKSUMMARY The pressure to change and provide more appropriate and efficient land administration services and strengthen security of tenure is growing within global political circles....

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