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Memby Untung PRATAMA, Budi Jaya SILALAHI, Setyo ANGGRAINI and Yanti Cahyati
S. PRAWIRA, Indonesia
In land use policy, there is an evaluation tool called Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The aim of SEA is to provide decision makers and affected stakeholders with timely and relevant information on the potential environmental impacts of either policies or permits to make it environmentally sounder (Jones et al, 2005; p. 6). SEA is the derivative method from Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). SEA uses the social aspects rather than technical aspects in order to evaluate either the policies or the permits.
Sustainable development has three concepts namely environment, social and economic. SEA
also focuses on these concepts. The International Association for Impact Assessment (2002)
mentioned that SEA organizes the interrelationships between ecological (environments), social and
economic impacts. This assessment will be used to analyze the permit, especially for real estate
development and palm oil plantation case study towards the impact for the surrounding people.
Furthermore, the analysis will be given to the policy maker for issuing the better permit in the future
and maximizing benefit from the permit.
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