Implementing a National Spatial Data Infrastructure for a Modern Kosovo
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Evaluating the Performance of Kinematic PPP and Differential Kinematic Methods in Rural and Urban Areas
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Parametric Sub Bottom Profiler Measurements of the Subaquatic Portion of the Debris Fan of Gschliefgraben in Lake Traunsee, Austria
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Development of Bathymetric Techniques
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The Importance of Hydrographic Surveying in the Development of a Water/Lake Transportation System in Ghana
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Some Aspects on Basic Gravimetric Network Adjustment
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Histoorical Disasters Data Extraction and a Modern Marine Geohazards Early Warning System in the Area of the North Bulgarian Black Sea Coast
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Estimated The Reasonable Land Price in Industrial Estate: Case Study of an Pulogadung Industrial Estate in Jakarta
Setyo ANGGRAINI, Yanti Cahyati S. PRAWIRA and Memby Untung PRATAMA, Indonesia SUMMARY In Jakarta, there are several Industrial areas which have very high land price. Jakarta as one of the...

Transferring of the Education Areas to Public Property without Any Charge
Bayram UZUN and Nida CELIK SIMSEK, Turkey SUMMARY Education infrastructure is a multifaceted system that requires a long and patient process from primary to higher education. Land acquisit...

Brazil towards an Effective Cadastre with SIGEF
Thiago MARRA, Kilder BARBOSA and Eduardo OLIVEIRA, Brazil SUMMARY The implementation of an effective Cadastre in Brazil is a historic challenge. The absence of this instrument means constr...

Does Cote D’ivoire Shift the Paradigm or Adapt the Methodology to Manage Rural Land with Social Equity?
Claire Galpin (France) SUMMARY "Cote d’Ivoire was one of the first country in West Africa with an innovative and consensual land law. In 1...

Real Estate Reference Values for a Better Market Transparency
Patrick WENZLER and Sebastian KROPP, GermanySUMMARY The improvement of market transparency on the real estate market is one of the most important objectives currently. In Germany market transparency i...

An Approach for Re-Engineering Organizational Structure of Real Estate Valuation System in Turkey
Nuri ERDEM and Mehmet CETE, Turkey SUMMARY Real estate values are needed in many activities such as real estate sale, taxation, compulsory purchase, mortgage, insurance, privatization and...